Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What about the performance and scalability of the solution for a complex game scenario?

In relation to the performance and scalability of the solution, the main aspect to be considered is the performance of the Jason's BDI engine. For a deeper discussion about the performance and the scalability provided by Jason, see the following papers: Tuning Java to run interactive multiagent simulations over Jason and Evaluating Jason for distributed crowd simulations.

2. What is the idea behind the use of emoticons as input ? Is it just for fun?

No. It is not just for fun. Other important reason for the use of emoticons as input is to simulate some input that could be provided by facial emotion recognition systems.

3. Can the OWL Reasoner still be used after the story loading?

Yes. If the attribute disposeOfReasonerAfterLoading is set to "false" in the dgiovanni/config.xml file, it is possible to get a reference to the reasoner by means of the dgiovanni.core.system.SystemObjHolder class.